God of War Wiki
War Hammer Zeus
Cut from the marble walls of Olympus itself, this war hammer carries the heavy weight of the King of the Gods.

–Ingame description

The War Hammer of Zeus is a two-handed hammer from Multiplayer only available to players with alignment to Zeus. It is unlocked at level 9.


A powerful magic hammer.

–Ingame description

The hammer has a copper handle with gold engravings and a large, white marble head with more details in gold and the head of Zeus carved at its the center. 

This hammer carries great amounts of energy and can release it through devastating electric attacks, being good to keep enemies at distance. It might be desirable to warriors who prefer slow, but powerful attacks, being capable of delivering a beam of electric bolts that does repeated damage before knocking enemies back or a massive strike that launches every nearby foe in the air and greatly damages them. However, both attacks take some time to be charged before being performed, and the user is partially vulnerable to attacks during this time. This marble hammer overpowers enemies like a massive thunderstorm that strikes the greatest mountains.


  • Rank 1 - n/a
  • Rank 2 - 10,000 XP
  • Rank 3 - 30,000 XP



  • Ascending Thunder: A lightning blast that stuns and knocks enemies away. After ranking up: Able to walk while charging attack. L1 + Square (Elemental)
  • Olympic Retribution: Unblockable. A powerful lightning explosion that pull enemies in and silences on contact. After ranking up: Able to charge the attack. L1 + Triangle (Elemental, unblockable)


  • Rank 1: +1% Physical Power, +5% Elemental Power, +5% Physical Resist
  • Rank 2: +2% Physical Power, +6% Elemental Power, +6% Physical Resist
  • Rank 3: +3% Physical Power, +7% Elemental Power, +7% Physical Resist

Godly Hammer of Zeus[]

Godly Hammer of Zeus

Silver hammer.


  • Rank 1: n/a
  • Rank 2: 35,000 XP
  • Rank 3: 85,000 XP


  • Rank 1: +1% Physical Power, +11% Elemental Power, +5% Physical Resist
  • Rank 2: +2% Physical Power, +12% Elemental Power, +6% Physical Resist
  • Rank 3: +3% Physical Power, +13% Elemental Power, +7% Physical Resist


  • The Hammer of Helios has similar moves, but their effects are different.
  • Both special attacks can actually be charged even before the hammer is leveled up, although this will only appear in the instructions after level up. It's also possible to walk while charging both of them before leveling up the weapon.
    • Probably, in the beta it was only possible to do these things after the weapon was leveled up, but this isn't the case of the final version of the game.
  • This is the largest hammer of the whole Multiplayer, which can be seen when holding it during actual gameplay.