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God of War Wiki
4-Lost Soul

Wandering Souls are skinless, lost souls, which are the size of a normal human.

In God of War III[]

  • Found only in the Realm of Hades and in Tartarus, this Enemy moves slowly, and is quite often found at small groups and sometimes all alone.
  • They will not attack you, unless you get too close. After killing them by grabbing the "O" they will drop a small green orb.


  • It is shown during the trial of The Three Judges, deceased mortals (presumably caused by the Second Titanomachy) fall on the judges' court. Some of them are dragged by the Arms of Hades that appear on the floor into a black void. When they emerged, they are turned into the wandering souls. During the Second Trial of Erebus, when they are in contact with metal bars flowing with the energies of the Underworld barring any entrance into the Judges' court, they are converted into Hades' Army, either Minotaur Brutes or Olympus Sentries who then proceed to attack Kratos.
  • During Kratos' last trip in the Underworld, they can be seen sobbing, praying, wandering aimlessly and moaning in anguish on their torments.
    • According to the second text of the Trials, they are condemned souls who continue to seek salvation, even though they are eternally damned.
      • This, however, may change after Kratos selflessly sacrifices himself to release the power of Hope.
      • Hope presumably gave them a new life. When all the disasters caused by the Chaos ended, with the power of Hope they are able to exit the Underworld and then rebuilt Greece without the aids from the gods.