“ | Our lives cut short / souls sinking deeper / until gathered up / by the Raven Keeper. | ” |
–The Ravens in Niflheim to Kratos |
The Eyes of Odin is one of the favors in God of War Ragnarök. Odin's Ravens are green spectral birds that act as Odin's eyes and ears throughout the nine realms. While you don't get anything for killing them there on the spot, hitting certain milestones will unlock the Legendary Chests at the base of The Raven Tree in Niflheim to unlock exclusive Armor and Runic Attacks.
Objective Information[]
We have received a travel seed that will take us to Niflheim. We can explore the area when we are ready.
The more ravens we free, the more access we will have to the chests at the foot of the tree.
Odin has once again dispatched spectral ravens to watch us. We should attempt to remove his spies when possible.
- Travel to Niflheim.
- Open the ravens' gifts.
- Kill Odin's Ravens.
“ | We told what we saw / Empowered his lies / Good little ravens / Good little spies. | ” |
–The Ravens in Niflheim to Kratos |
The Eyes of Odin are spectral ravens, appearing a translucent green color rather than the typical black. Scattered throughout the Nine Realms, they report to Odin everything they see and hear. Once "freed" by Kratos, they return to the Raven Tree in Niflheim.
“ | Mummy and daddy / Tied the noose tight / To send us to Odin / To bask in his light. | ” |
–The Ravens in Niflheim to Kratos |
The Eyes of Odin were originally human children who were sacrificed to Odin by their own parents via hanging. Despite their attempts to flee from the Raven Keeper, an eldritch being who is a radical acolyte of Odin, they were nonetheless captured. She transformed the souls of these children into spectral ravens who now unwillingly serve as Odin's spies throughout the Nine Realms.
Upon being "freed" by Kratos, they returned to the Raven Tree in Niflheim and, in poetic verses, eventually revealed their true origins to Kratos and Mimir. These revelations greatly horrified Mimir and angered Kratos, who sought to find the Raven Keeper to destroy her for what she did to these children. Upon "freeing" all of the Eyes of Odin, the Raven Keeper appears and berates Kratos and his allies for liberating the ravens from Odin's service, which has undid all the work she did for Odin.
After an intense battle with the Raven Keeper, she was destroyed by an enraged Kratos, who was upset that he could not do more for the spectral ravens. Nonetheless, Mimir and Freya assured Kratos did them a massive favour by destroying the Raven Keeper and the spectral ravens even sung in poetic verses of their relief at being freed from the Raven Keeper's influence.
Raven locations[]
The 48 ravens can be found at the following locations below
Aurvangar Wetlands - Odin’s Raven 1[]
The first Odin's Raven of Svartalfheim is where you first arrive, at the Southern end of the Aurvangar Wetlands. From the Mystic Gateway, look North to spot a rock formation to the left of the boat dock (not the ferry dock!). The Raven will be standing on top of it.
Nidavellir - Odin’s Raven 1[]
Located in the marketplace with the giant statue of Odin, where you first encounter Sindri in Svartalfheim. In the North-East side of the marketplace will be a building with a water wheel placed between two rooftops: the Raven will be on top of the right-hand rooftop with the blue awning underneath it.
The Watchtower - Odin’s Raven 1[]
This Raven is found at The Watchtower, which is the strip of land dividing the Northern and Southern halves of the Bay of Bounty. From the Mystic Gateway and Sindri's shop, head West and climb up the wall, then go around the Watchtower (there'll be a Draugr Hole here). The Raven will be a fast-moving one that likes to swoop across the West fence down to the water below. Stand at the wooden rope fence and face South: the Raven will be visible flying above, curving between two trees before swooping down fast to your right. Aim where it curves so that you have the best chance of hitting it.
Radsvinn’s Rig - Odin’s Raven 1[]
The Odin's Raven at Radsvinn's Rig can be found fairly simply. After leaping up the two walls to get to the main battle area around the furnace tower, look left to spot a large crane: the Raven will be perched on the hook hanging off the end of it.
Althjof’s Rig - Odin’s Raven 1[]
The Odin's Raven at Althjof's Rig is very quick to find. Dock the boat at the rig's dock, then climb up the gold chain. The Raven will be hiding behind a dark wooden hole in the wall ahead and on your left.
Alberich Island - Odin’s Raven 1[]
- Prerequisite: Complete the Forging Destiny main quest
This Legendary Chest is found on Alberich Island, however you cannot get to it until you complete the Forging Destiny main quest and pick up a new piece of equipment. Once you've done this, return to Alberich Island's main beach, then look for the Wind Vent on the right-hand wall: use your new equipment on it, then climb up the wall to the top. Here, head right up the wooden ramp to the top of an elevator. Look to your left to see some Soundstone that you can destroy with a Sonic Arrow. Up ahead will be the spot where the Raven is. To get the best chance of hitting it, you'll need to nail it as it curves on the left-hand side. To do that, stand as close to the edge as possible, then aim for a yellow-red bush, positioned between two larger red bushes visible in the picture above.
Alberich Island - Odin’s Raven 2[]
- Prerequisite: Complete the Forging Destiny main quest
This Odin's Raven is found on Alberich Island, however like the other Raven in this region you cannot get to it until you complete the Forging Destiny main quest and pick up a new piece of equipment. Follow the instructions described above for Raven 1 on Alberich Island. Head down to the bottom of the side area where Raven 1 is via the wooden ramp. At the bottom, look right towards the elevator, and you can see a rock with a Wind Fissure on it: throw a Draupnir Spear at it and then detonate it, allowing the geyser to flow and raise the lift. Head on over to it and use the grapple point to make it onto a wooden platform. Once you've made it across, look for the grapple point on the left and use it to get onto the island. Vault up the ledge directly in front of you, then look through the hole in the rock ahead: the Raven will be hiding inside it.
Lyngbakr Island - Odin’s Raven 1[]
This Odin's Raven is easy to miss because it's rather out of the way. You can first access it once you destroy a Wretch Nest, revealing a lava rock spawner. Grab one, then make your way left through the gate, then right around the far corner and across the two gaps. Round the next corner and, at the top of the slope, you'll see some gold rocks on your right. Throw the lava rock at it to destroy it, allowing you to use the Blades of Chaos to zip across using the grapple point. On the other side is a Coffin directly ahead, and a tunnel on your right. Crawl through the tunnel and you'll end up on a balcony on the other side, with a Hacksilver Chest directly in front of you. To the left of the Hacksilver Chest is a part of the balcony with no railing, and the Raven visible in the distance. Throw the Leviathan Axe at it.
The Forge - Odin’s Raven 1[]
The first Odin's Raven in The Forge can be found right at the beginning where you first exit the train car. Stand on the edge of the balcony and look North towards the mountain, and you should see it fly above the wooden walkway below.
The Forge - Odin’s Raven 2[]
- Prerequisite: Begin the Forging Destiny main quest
This Odin's Raven is found when you enter the titular Forge area inside the peak of the mountain. After slipping through the narrow passage and going down the tunnel, you'll be able to spot it on the cliff directly ahead, to the left of the bell-shaped submersible in the lake.
Jarnsmida Pitmines - Odin’s Raven 1[]
The only Raven in Jarnsmida Pitmines is found in the opening area where you first arrived on the crashed minecart, and very close to a Mystic Gateway covered in fungi. The Raven will be flying over the lake in the middle of the mine: look for a gold chain you can slide down on the North side of the lake. There'll also be an Artifact here too.
The Applecore - Odin’s Raven 1[]
The sole Raven in The Applecore is found towards the end, where you have to use your axe to freeze a water trough to jam some Soundstone rocks dropped in by Atreus. There's two ways to find it depending on whether or not you opened up the shortcut that bypasses the puzzle. If you haven't completed the puzzle yet, then once you've got the two giant claws into position by blocking the two water troughs, grapple across to the stone block, then jump left onto solid ground. The Raven will be here on your left, perched in a wooden scaffolding nook close to a lantern. If you have opened up the puzzle bypass route, then an earthquake will have knocked down some debris that prevents you from doing the puzzle again. In this case, take the bypass route that has you shimmy along the side of a wall. Once you're on the other side, turn around to see the Raven perched in a wooden scaffolding nook close to a lantern.
Alberich Hollow - Odin’s Raven 1[]
- Prerequisite: Complete the Forging Destiny main quest
This Odin's Raven is found shortly after the Legendary chest in Alberich Hollow, which is in the tunnel to the left of the giant dwarf statue. Here, you'll find a lava rock dispenser: use it to destroy the wall of gold rocks ahead. Just past the wall of gold rocks is a tree on the left-hand side: the Raven will be hiding behind the right side of the tree.
The Strond - Odin’s Raven 1[]
The single Odin's Raven in The Strond is located shortly before your first encounter with Twilight Stone. After climbing up the ledges early on and first catching sight of the Light of Alfheim, you'll drop down a ledge and then run down a path to a circular doorway. To the left of this doorway is a dead tree, with the Raven perched on it.
Temple of Light - Odin’s Raven 1[]
This Raven can be found in a side-area just after Tyr jumps across some hanging panels to give you a way to cross a gap. Once you're across, head right into a room with a Hacksilver Chest and a curved staircase. Partway up this staircase will be a flat area, with a ledge on the left that you can drop down. At the bottom, turn right to find a fork guarded by four Wretches: head right here to find the Raven hiding behind a grate. To hit the Raven, you'll need to bounce the Axe off two Twilight Stones: one on the left-hand column, and another above the Raven. You'll have to hit the bottom of the Twilight Stone while standing at the bottom of the ramp where the dead Light Elf is (like the screenshot above) in order to make the show.
Temple of Light - Odin’s Raven 2[]
The second Raven in the Temple of Light is found shortly after the bit where Kratos and Tyr push down two giant statues to form a Light Bridge. You'll go past a Nornir Chest and then fight some Light Elves. Once you're done, head for the curved stairs to the next room: here, look for a balcony off to your left with the Raven on it.
The Canyons - Odin’s Raven 1[]
This Odin's Raven is found in the area after you climb up the cliff, where Sindri's shop and the Gulon sled can be accessed. While it can be spotted from the earlier canyon, it's better to climb up the cliff and then head right: you'll see the Raven flying in a figure 8 path above a campfire.
The Barrens - Odin’s Raven 1[]
This Raven is found at the Elf building in the North of the Barrens, and just East of the large Elf gate. Look for a dead tree on the South-East rocks next to the building; the Raven will be perched in its branches.
The Barrens - Odin’s Raven 2[]
This Raven of Odin is found in the skull of the giant skeleton in the North-East area of The Barrens. Head to the East side of the skull, and you can find the Raven sitting within the skull's eye socket.
The Forbidden Sands - Odin’s Raven 1[]
- Prerequisite: Complete the Song of the Sands Favor
This Raven is found just West of the dome where you free the Hafgufa: look for a long wooden fence with a ledge behind it. However, you cannot get there until you complete the Song of the Sands Favor to clear up the sand storm. Once the storm is cleared, slip through the fence on the right-hand side, then leap up the ledge. You'll arrive in a clearing full of Dark Elf corpses. The Lore Marker will be over on the left-hand side of the clearing.
The Forbidden Sands - Odin’s Raven 2[]
The second Raven in The Forbidden Sands is found in the North-West area of the desert, at the top of the light bridge leading down to the statue of Freyr. To have the best chance of striking it, stand at the top of the light bridge, then throw your Axe at the Raven as it curves around to the left.
The Forbidden Sands - Odin’s Raven 3[]
- Prerequisite: Complete the Song of the Sands Favor
This Odin's Raven is found in a spot underground of The Elven Sanctum, however its entryway is blocked with sand until you clear the sandstorm in the Song of the Sands Favor. Once you've completed that, head to the North-East corner of The Forbidden Sands to The Elven Sanctuary. Here, instead of leaping up to the top of the ledge, attack the broken section at the bottom: this reveals a space you can crawl through. In the “basement”, check the left-hand side of the area to spot the Raven flying about. There isn't really a spot where it curves and you can easily hit it, so you'll need to practice aiming at a specific spot of its path and throwing your Axe shortly before it passes by.
The Forbidden Sands - Odin’s Raven 4[]
This Raven of Odin is found just North-West of the entrance to The Forbidden Sands from The Hjarta tunnels. From the entrance, go North-West and head around the back side of the giant rock arch on your right. The Raven will be perched back here, although you will have to aim above it in order to hit it with the Axe.
The Southern Wilds - Odin’s Raven 1[]
The first Odin's Raven in Vanaheim is found in the opening part of The Southern Wilds. As you head North from the Mystic Gateway you'll come to a huge tree you have to go around. Instead of doing that, turn left and head for the stone archway. On the other side is a pool with the Raven flying over it.
Freyr’s Camp - Odin’s Raven 1[]
This Odin's Raven can be found shortly after leaving Freyr's camp itself with Freya. Early on you'll pass through a tunnel, and are then expected to drop down some ledges leading under a tree. Instead of doing that, head left and go to the lake: perched above it is the Raven, to the left of a giant blue ring. If you've visited The Abandoned Village and it's now daytime, the Raven will be blocked by the giant vines held up by the blue rings. To the left of the Odin's Raven and over a log is a Coffin, containing 1 Honed Metal and 559 Hacksilver.
River Delta - Odin’s Raven 1[]
This Odin's Raven is near Pilgrim's Landing, which are the ruined buildings in the river, found in the Northern area of The River Delta. Since it's on the rocks, it's counted as The River Delta, but you'll need to be at the end of Pilgrim's Landing to hit it. First, beach at the area directly West of the ruins and kill the Reavers you find there. Next, head for the ruined building on the shoreline. Here will be a drawbridge held up by Red Fungi Bramble. Look for the Torch on the left side and fire a Sigil Arrow at it to ignite the bramble. Then, cut the two targets with the Leviathan Axe to lower the drawbridge. On the other side on the left you'll have to fight more Reavers, who are also backed up by two Cursed Nokken: defeat them to stop everyone else from rapidly healing. Once they're down, look for the chandelier hanging from the huge tree at the East side of the river. Here's how to solve this puzzle and transfer the fire from the right-hand torch to the left-hand torch.
- Cut the chandelier's rope with the Leviathan Axe to lower it into position.
- Use the Blades of Chaos to yank the chandelier to the right: this will light the right-hand torch on the chandelier.
- To transfer the fire to the left-hand torch, wait for the chandelier to settle (speed this up by hitting it with the Axe), then place two Sigil “bubbles” on it: one under the left-hand torch, and one in the middle.
- Fire a third Sigil Arrow at the lit torch: it will explode and chain to the other two, lighting the left-hand torch.
- Yank the chandelier to the left, lighting the torch up near the Red Fungi Bramble.
- Fire a Sigil Arrow at this torch and burn the Red Fungi Bramble down!
Now that you've solved the puzzle, check the North end of these ruins for a raised drawbridge: like before, cut the two targets to lower it. Head across the bridge to the Legendary Chest, then look through the left-hand arch: you'll see the Raven from here, ready to be hit.
The River Delta - Odin’s Raven 2[]
This Odin's Raven may be listed for The River Delta, but due to its location, you can only really access it from the Cliffside Ruins area at the other side of the drawbridge. You can get to there by climbing up Cliffside Ruins, using the Rune Slate to open the way into Goddess Falls, then heading through The Veiled Passage at the Southern-most point of the river. Once you've done all that and emerged on the other side of The Veiled Passage's tunnel, slide down the gold chain, then head right to the Lore Marker. Here, check behind it to see the Odin's Raven perched on a branch over the river below. Throw your Axe at it.
Goddess Falls - Odin’s Raven 1[]
This Odin's Raven can be spotted flying above Goddess Falls, however it's very difficult to reach from the bottom. Climb up to the top of Goddess Falls, then stop and look up and to your right. At this spot the Raven will swoop down directly at you, making it the best spot to throw your Axe into it.
The Veiled Passage - Odin’s Raven 1[]
This Odin's Raven is found at the start of the main path in The Veiled Passage. After beaching the boat on the shore, turn around to face the water and then look up to the ceiling: you should see the Raven perched on a branch close to the top of the cave.
The Abandoned Village - Odin’s Raven 1[]
- Prerequisite: Start the Creatures of Prophecy main quest
This Odin's Raven can only be found once you visit Vanaheim for the second time, as part of the Creatures of Prophecy main quest. During it, you'll enter the Great Hall and be asked to chase after a thief. After you defeat a bunch of Einherjar enemies, you'll have to set up a swing pole using one of your pieces of equipment. While doing this, face across the gap the swing pole helps you cross, then look to the left: you'll see the Raven perched inside a tree trunk.
Eastern Barri Woods - Odin’s Raven[]
This Odin's Raven is found immediately into the new area of Eastern Barri Woods that you explore during your second visit. After fighting some Cursed Gulon and some Nokken, you'll eventually come to a split in the path: left to a barricade, and right to a yellow Wind Fissure. Destroy the Wind Fissure with the Draupnir Spear. Through the other side of the tunnel, look up and to your right to find the Raven perched high above at the base of a tree. Just be careful of a nearby spitter plant.
The Plains - Odin’s Raven 1[]
This Odin's Raven is located in the North-East corner of The Plains, close to where Brok's workshop is. You can spot it to the East, perched on the opposite side of the chasm.
The Plains - Odin’s Raven 2[]
This Odin's Raven is found in the Western half of The Plains. Head to the spot just West of the frozen lightning bolt and look North-East: you'll see the Raven here perched on top of a cliff.
The Plains - Odin’s Raven 3[]
The third Odin's Raven in The Plains is located in the Western half of the region. In the main lake area, head to the North-West corner, mount over a fallen stone column, then drop down the cliff. Ahead and on your left will be a cave. Head over to the edge of the cave, then look down and to the left to spot the Raven grooming itself below.
The Plains - Odin’s Raven 4[]
This Odin's Raven is found in an area of The Plains that is technically only accessible at night, however there is a way to reach it during the daytime. In the North-Western part of The Plains, head to the upper area where the Celestial Altar is. If you've been up there before and kicked down the metal plate on the ledge, all you have to do is climb up that ledge. If you haven't, you'll have to circle around the back via a route a bit North, where you'll grapple through a short cave. Once you've made it up, look for the spot where you can look down to a lower area in the South-West. From the right angle, you can see the Raven perched on a rock below. Strike it with your Axe.
The Plains - Odin’s Raven 5[]
- Prerequisite: Nighttime
The fifth and final Raven in the Plains is found in the arena where you fight the local dragon, The Crimson Dread, in the Western half of the region. However, you can only access this area once you've set the time of day to night using a Celestial Altar. Once you've done that, head through the gate North of the main lake, then take a right at the split and squeeze through the tight space. Once you've squeezed through the passage, you'll now be in The Crimson Dread's arena lair. From the entryway, follow the left-hand wall and you'll quickly encounter the Raven perched above a small pit.
The Jungle - Odin’s Raven 1[]
- Prerequisite: Complete the Return of the River Favor
The single Odin's Raven in The Jungle is over where the Ogre is in the North-East corner of the region. That means that you'll have to complete the Return of the River Favor, flooding the chasms into rivers and allowing you to row to the South of where the Ogre is. From there you can enter the arena: check the Southern wall to find the Raven perched on partway up it.
The Sinkholes - Odin’s Raven 1[]
- Prerequisite: Complete the Return of the River Favor
The lone Odin's Raven in The Sinkholes is found in the area where you encounter and fight the local dragon, The Ash Tyrant. Because of this, getting to it requires completing the Return of the River Favor in The Jungle, which restores the rivers and allows you to more fully explore the region. Once you've opened the way to The Ash Tyrant's lair, you may spot the Odin's Raven up on the left-hand wall. You have two approaches here:
- Head North-East and dock at the shore, then make a U-Turn around the rock to a chain that lowers the gate. From here you can hit the Raven, but only with the Draupnir Spear: it flies straight for a few seconds before it drops.
- Alternatively, head up to The Ash Tyrant's arena and go to the South-West edge. You can then nail the Odin's Raven from here, even with the Leviathan Axe.
Lake of Nine - Odin’s Raven 1[]
This Odin's Raven can be found in the Eastern area of the Lake of Nine, where the Raider Hideout cave and the two huge doors are. Ride up to the doors and check the right-hand one to spot the Raven perched partway up.
Lake of Nine - Odin’s Raven 2[]
This Raven of Odin is found close to the South-East portion of Tyr's Temple, which is the large round structure in the middle of the Lake of Nine. If you approach from the South going counter-clockwise, you can see the Raven perched in an elevated spot behind a tall wall of ice.
The Derelict Outpost - Odin’s Raven 1[]
The first Odin's Raven of the Derelict Outpost can be found right at the beginning of the area. From the end of the valley you can travel down with the sled, dismount and vault over the wide wooden beam. Turn left around the rock column here to see a short side-path that goes under a boat. Look up to see the Raven perched in a hole in the underside of the boat's hull.
The Derelict Outpost - Odin’s Raven 2[]
The second Odin's Raven in the Derelict Outpost is found early on. From the starting point, turn the wooden crane on your right so you can cross the gap with its grapple point, then turn left and mantle up the left-hand ledge through the ruined archway. Here will be a second wooden crane: the Raven will be standing on top of its tower.
The Oarsmen - Odin’s Raven 1[]
This Odin's Raven is found in the outdoor area of The Oarsman. There are three ways to get to it:
- If you've only just arrived at The Oarsmen, climb up the wall to the left of the Nornir Chest, defeat the Stalker boss and her minions at the top, then climb up the gold chain.
- If you've pulled down the wooden barricade under the falling mast heat with the Blades of Chaos, you can enter here by slipping through from the entryway to The Oarsmen. Head left and up the ledge to the top of the gold chain.
- If you DIDN’T pull down the wooden barricade with the Blades of Chaos, you'll have to go through the hallway to the right of the Nornir Chest, right up the stairs, and then make a U-Turn to the right and up the ledge to get to the top of the gold chain.
If you followed one of the steps above, you should now be at the top of a gold chain. Here, face South towards the masthead, then look up and to the left to spot the Raven up on the side of the cliff.
Well of Urd - Odin’s Raven 1[]
This Odin's Raven is found as you climb up the cliff following your first Raider encounter in this area. The cliff will have the option to continue upwards or shimmy left. You should continue upwards. When you get up to the top, you'll have to fight more Raiders. When they're all dead, face East and you'll see the Raven perched on top of a ruined stone column.
Helgrind - Odin’s Raven 1[]
The first Odin's Raven in Helheim is visible directly ahead after returning as Kratos. It'll be flying in a Figure 8 formation to the left of the Wind Fissure you need to progress.
Helgrind - Odin's Raven 2[]
This Raven of Odin is found in the Helgrind area, however you cannot access it until you've resolved the situation with Garm. Once you've done so, you'll be North-West of where you started, close to the Shipyard of the Fallen. You'll need to leap up onto a bridge and head left to continue. When you're there, you'll encounter the last door puzzle of the area. Drop through the gap on the right-hand rise of the bridge and man the gear crank. Ahead you'll see a turning gear mechanism:
- Place a double-size Hex Bubble onto it, then turn the gear so the bubble is at the top.
- Place another, standard-sized Hex Bubble at the bottom of the gear
- Throw your Axe into the lower Hex Bubble: the Frost will chain up the mechanism and freeze the yellow gear, keeping the bridge open.
With the door open, quickly climb back up and rush through it, and you'll see a Lore Marker directly in front of you. Look above it to spot the Raven.
Burning Cliffs - Odin's Raven 1[]
The single Raven of Odin in Muspelheim is found early when you're able to visit this part of the map as Kratos. From the Mystic Gateway, drop down the ledges and veer right. The Raven will be ahead in the small cave, where you may be attacked by Wisps. Once it's safe, look through the "window" on the right-hand side of the room to find it.
Surtr’s Forge - Odin’s Raven 1[]
The final Odin's Raven in the game is located in Surtr's Forge. While you certainly can hear it while in the area, it won't actually be visible for you to hit until you can freely go up to the elevated area where the ashen man is smithing away. Once you're there, look North and you'll need it perched in an archway partway up the wall. This is the very last Raven!
- The Eyes of Odin have resembling traits like that of the Myling of Scandinavian Folklore.
- They are both the souls of dead children killed through infanticide, though the Myling is the result of an unloved and uncared child dying.
- They both sing out how they ended up dying.
- They both ask people to do something for their favor, though the Myling is usually much more precise on what they wanted.
- To complete "The Eyes of Odin" favor, Kratos must find and kill all 51 of these ravens. Doing so will unlock the "Allfather Blinded" trophy.
- 51 ravens can be found in God of War (2018) and 48 additional ravens can be found in God of War: Ragnarök. Making a total of 99 ravens and one Raven Keeper.
- In the Japanese dub of God of War Ragnarök, they are voiced by Ayumi Tsunematsu, who also voiced Verðandi.