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God of War Wiki

The Eternal Campfire is a region in Midgard, it was introduced in God of War: Ragnarök.


The Eternal Campfire contains 1 Collectible Location in God of War Ragnarok. That collectible is listed down below.

  • Across the Realms (Favor): 1

Favor: Across the Realms[]

This region contains only one favor to reach 100% completion. Interact with the book by the campfire. You must find 4 ingredients scattered across 4 different realms. It's recommended you leave this for now and come back for this after you have obtained 100% in all other regions. Keep this for last. The ingredients are hidden in hard to reach endgame areas that require 100% in other areas first. You also don't need this favor for any trophies so it's okay to skip for now and finish it later. From the campfire, turn around and drop down the ledge, on the left there's a rock with a yellow heart on it, there you find the first ingredient (Nordic Gourd). The second ingredient is in Svartalfheim, at The Forge. Teleport to Mystic Gateway “Nidavellir Beach”. Use the train to get up the hill, then on the right there's another heart on a rock. The ingredient is there (Prongfruit). The train will be there after the story. The third ingredient is Vanaheim, at The Sinkholes. To enter this region you must have completed Favor: Scent of Survival in Vanaheim. It's also recommended you first got the 100% collectibles in The Jungle, you must go there to bring back water to the crater, only then you can fully open The Sinkholes. From the “Sinkholes Mystic Gateway” you can head towards the second Mystic Gateway in the area and find it at the side of the river (Bantam Melon).

The fourth ingredient (Elven Cap) is in Alfheim, at The Forbidden Sands. In the south-west of the region lift up the broken pillar to find it behind that. Return to the Eternal Campfire afterward. It gives you a special item that permanently increases all stats by 5. That's 100% of the collectibles you can find in The Eternal Campfire area in God of War Ragnarok.

