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The Derelict Outpost is a region in Midgard, it was introduced in God of War: Ragnarök.


The Derelict Outpost contains 7 Collectible Locations in God of War Ragnarok. Those collectibles are listed down below.

  • Artifacts: 1
  • Lore: 2
  • Odin's Ravens: 2
  • Legendary Chests: 1
  • Fjöturlund Vault Key Half: 1 (not tracked in region overview)

It's recommended to collect everything after the story. Most regions can't be completed on the first visit because they require certain skills from story progress.

Odin’s Raven[]

At the very start of the area, after climbing a fallen log turn left to see this Raven sitting under a blue boat stuck in the ice above you. This is still before reaching the Mystic Gateway / before climbing up the golden chain (if you reach those you must backtrack just a few meters/yards).

Lore (Lore Marker – Blodugr Steinn)[]

From the Mystic Gateway, climb up the golden Chain. Go past the blacksmith and use the 2 grappling hooks to swing across. There will be a stone with little green phantom enemies coming out of it. Behind the stone on the left is the Lore collectible. Still before using the 3rd grappling hook.

Odin’s Raven[]

After the Lore, use the 3rd grappling hook to swing across. Then the Raven is on the left.

Artifact (Stolen Treasures – Lyre)[]

After the Raven, use the 4th grappling hook to swing across, then immediately turn right and look back in the direction you came from, climb down the rocks here to see the artifact one floor below the grappling hook.

Lore (Lore Marker – An Accursed Name / The Death of Helgi)[]

After using the 5th grappling hook to swing across, there will be a Lore Marker and Legendary Chest in front of you in plain sight, impossible to not see it.

Legendary Chest (Ivaldi's Anvil – Heavy Runic Attack)[]

Same place as the Lore.

Fjöturlund Vault Key Half (Sigrún’s Curse)[]

After the Lore/Legendary Chest, climb up to see this in front. It's in plain sight. This doesn't count as a collectible but it's needed for Favor: Sigrun's Curse.

