“ | I have one last weapon to show you. I think you'll enjoy it, if that's the word... | ” |
–Tyr about to fight Kratos in Valhalla DLC |
The Nodachi is a type of sword (or katana) that is of Japanese origin, and were used by Japanese warriors, such as Samurai. The Norse God of War Týr owns a Nodachi of his own.
In God of War series[]
During Týr's travels to different Worlds, on his trip to Ancient Japan, it is very likely that Týr received this Nodachi as a gift.
In God of War Ragnarök: Valhalla, the nodachi serves as the final weapon Týr used during his final spar with Kratos.
The nodachi, also called the ōdachi, is a Japanese greatsword with a long blade approximately over 90.9 cm or longer, while there is no official information of the accurate size of a nodachi. It's often confused with the Katana but there are various differences that separate them as the curvature is less pronounced, the blade overall is wider and the tip of the blade is more pronounced and sharper. Like Týr's other weapons, it glows in a very bright golden color and has a Tiwaz rune (ᛏ) on it.