God of War Wiki
Soul Hades

The Soul of Hades in God of War: Ascension.

If you search for truth, the Souls of Hades will aid your quest.

The Soul of Hades was an elemental power in God of War: Ascension.

God of War: Ascension[]

Release the Souls of the Underworld to do your bidding. Vaporising enemies yields green orbs.


That power shared many similarities to the Claws of Hades, although as only magic. They were only used to power up the Blades of Chaos and did not seem to let the player summon a specific soul at will. An Arm of Hades sprung out of the ground and slammed various enemies in a power attack. The Soul of Hades yielded Green Orbs.

Orb Costs[]

  • Level 1 - n/a
  • Level 2 - 1,500 Orbs
  • Level 3 - 2,000 Orbs
  • Level 4 - 3,000 Orbs
  • Level 5 - 5,000 Orbs


Level 1

  • Hades Fury - A quick combo that summons a Hades soul when hitting an enemy. Square, square, square, square
  • Plume of Hades - A quick and powerful combo that summons a Hades arm. Square, square, triangle

Level 2

  • Tormenting Sorrow - Kratos sends a burst of soul energy shooting towards his enemies. L1 + Square
  • Tormenting Sorrow (Air) - While airborne, Kratos sends a burst of soul energy shooting towards his enemies. L1 + Square (Air)

Level 3

  • Army of Hades - Kratos sends out a wave of souls to suffocate enemies. R3 + L3
  • Army of Hades (Air) - While airborne, Kratos sends out a wave of souls to suffocate enemies. R3 + L3 (Air)

Level 4

  • Underworld Agony - L1 + Triangle - Kratos rips open the ground and summons energy blast underneath his foes
  • Underworld Agony (Air) - L1 + Triangle (Air) while airborne, Kratos rips open the ground and summons energy blast underneath his foes

Level 5

  • Hades Torment - Kratos digs his blades into the ground and unleashes monstrous arms to decimate his enemies. R2
  • Hades Torment (Air) - While airborne, Kratos digs his blades into the ground and unleashes monstrous arms to decimate his enemies. R2 (Air)

