God of War Wiki
God of War Wiki
As we speak, Athens is on the verge of destruction. It is the will of Ares, my brother, that my great city falls.



The main square of Athens ablaze.

Ares in Athens

Ares about to destroy three Athenian soldiers.

The Siege of Athens was the battle inside the city of Athens. It was directly caused by Ares, the God of War. The attack on Athens was a result of Ares' hatred toward his sister, Athena, the patron goddess of Athens. Due to Zeus' order of noninterference between gods, Athena was unable to defend her city and thus granted Kratos his divine mission. During this siege, Kratos was busy making his way through Athens to get to the Temple of the Oracle, and ultimately the Desert of Lost Souls where Pandora's Temple is located, which houses Pandora's Box, a powerful and dangerous artifact that holds the power to kill a god.

The city was entirely on the mercy of the God of War, and mercy was in short supply. The King of the Gods, Zeus notes to Athena in the novelization how Ares and the undead and monstrous armies under his direction have destroyed the great city more fast and throughly than he himself expected from his son, who "usually stumbles around like a Minotaur in a potter's shop".

Kratos, the former Fist of Ares and commander of his armies on Earth, was also surprised and impressed with the elaborate and subtle tactics, meant to maximise death to the fullest instead of just bloody meat waves that the Ghost of Sparta himself was familiar with from his former master.

However both Zeus and, begrudgingly Kratos recognized the bravery of many Athenian soldiers and citizens during their desperate last stand for their great city.

As the siege continued, the God of War deliberatly targets many of his fathers worshippers and his temples, which displeases Zeus. The King of the Gods, at Athena's suggestion orders his son Hermes to go into the burning city and aid the priests of the Gods in their escape.

During this trek, the chaotic destruction that was being caused by Ares could be witnessed; The city lay in ruins, and entire armies of Athenians could be seen marching towards Ares. Huge barrages of arrows and firebolts were exchanged, and a few hundred soldiers were crushed beneath Ares' feet. Meanwhile, his minions do battle in areas of the city, and slaughtered any citizens in their way. When Kratos returned to do battle with Ares, the long siege had ended, and the city was on the verge of destruction. However, despite the damage it had taken, the death of Ares allowed Athens to live again.


During the events of God of War II, Athens was still rebuilding from the costly siege. In the desolation and sour mood in the entirety of Greece, as the new God of War Kratos destroyed all the great city-states much like Ares did to Athens, some mortals in the ruined city began building small, modest shrines and places of worship for Gaia and the Titans, seemingly feeling the unease on Olympus and how the King of the Gods couldnt care less about them.

When Athena unintentionally lets it slip infront of her father Zeus, the great Skyfather looses all pretense of control and destroys Sparta to punish Kratos for all his insolence, the newest one being allying himself with the Titans, who the son of Cronos still hated with immeasurable fury.

