God of War Wiki
God of War Wiki

The Shipyard of the Fallen is a location of Helheim in God of War: Ragnarök. The Shipyard of the Fallen is, like most areas in Helheim, a small area you only briefly pass through once and are unable to return to. Thus, while it has collectibles, they'll be inherently untracked and not required for 100% completion.


There is only one collectible in the shipyard of the fallen, so be sure to get it during your first and only time through the area.

Shipyard of the Fallen - Legendary Chest-U 1[]

  • Contains: Spear Light Runic Attack - Thrust of a Thousand Soldiers

This Legendary Chest is found near the end of the Shipyard of the Fallen area. After crossing an open area gouged by Garm's rampage, you'll vault over a wooden beam and kill two Hel-Raiders. You'll next have to cross a gap by plugging a Wind Vent with a Draupnir Spear: you can do that by taking a right-hand path. Once you swing across the chest will be across the gap and around the corner. The chest contains the Thrust of a Thousand Soldiers, a Light Runic Attack for the Draupnir Spear. While equal to the Mountain Splitter in terms of damage, it leaves spears in the target, which you can then detonate with the Triangle Button for even more damage.
