- "Once these roads were full of people. Now all have hid or fled, save for the reavers, savage enough to survive in such a world."
- ―Freya
Reavers are raiders that are among the few remaining humans in Midgard, who have not fled or had gone into hiding during the Great Desolation.
While some Reavers focused on cannibalism, as evident by the ones that had made their lair in the Jötnar Marketplace, others focused on other atrocities such as hunting, reaving, pillaging, robbery, violence, etc.
Some reavers are also known to practice Seiðr magic, which would corrupt them as well as alter their appearance, making them more aggressive. Reavers that have died may also return as undead Hel-Walkers. These reaver variants appear as common enemies in God of War (2018) and God of War: Ragnarök.
God of War (2018)[]
- "We'll have to keep them alive. Strip off their meat... a little at a time."
- ―Cannibals
After Kratos and Atreus entered the Jötnar Marketplace, they were ambushed by a gang of ravenous reavers who plan to eat them. Fearful that they might return as Hel-Walkers, they decide to keep them alive and only cut off parts of their bodies to devour.
The resulting battle ends with Kratos having killed most of them and Atreus killed one of them, thus making it the first time he has ever killed a human, which left Atreus traumatized. Seconds after their deaths, the Reavers rose from the dead as Hel-Walkers and Kratos immediately had to kill them again.
In Midgard, there was a reaver clan/organization called the Hræzla Farmaðr, in which they focused on the Old Ways; Their worthiness are measured depending on their swordsmanship and they greatly value their strength in high regards. Furthermore, they look down on the weak. They had raided Fafnir's Storeroom and in the process stole nearly all the treasure that is stored there. During the raiding, the leader of the clan was murdered by his son Vandrid, who stabbed him in the back with a dagger. His father's death wasn't well accepted by his fellow Reavers and they refuse to accept Vandrid as their new leader. During an ensuing mutiny on board the clan's longship, Vandrid met a brutal end, in which he was impaled to the ship's mast and his head was smashed with a Niflheim whetstone.
God of War Ragnarök[]
Seiðr and Hel-Reavers continue to act as common enemies throughout the game. Aside from swords and maces, they now wield other weapons such as axes, cleavers, dual blades and war hammers. The cleavers wielded by Vikens usually have a longer handle and a bigger blade.
Originally starting out as a normal Reavers, they became corrupted from the overuse of Seiðr magic. In contrast to Draugr and Hel-Walkers, Seiðr Reavers are still living beings, however, their corruption has caused them to permanently mutate and are drained of most of their humanity. As a result, they are almost inherently vicious, ruthless, and aggressive in nature. However, despite this, they received the ability of Regeneration in which they can magically heal themselves if necessary. Another ability is the power to launch magic projectiles, which is common among Shadows, another reaver variant.
Seiðr Reavers have black, yellow, and dark green skin with spikes protruding from their arms and heads. Due to their extreme aggression, they can charge Kratos head on to draw first blood. Whenever a large part of their health has been depleted they will immediately heal themselves. When all of their health is depleted, Seiðr Reavers will start screaming while their bodies begin to glow, due to the magic within them becoming unstable, before exploding, which can deal damage if Kratos is too close. This can also knock Atreus to the ground.
These were just normal human Reavers once, but they look like they’ve been corrupted by Seiðr magic. When did this start happening?
A tougher variant of the Reavers, Vikens wield big maces as their weapon of choice, and they have the ability to channel Seiðr magic to their weapons. When swung, it leaves a streak of magic in the air, and if a Viken slams his mace to the ground, this can cause a short burst that not only cause damage but can also poison Kratos. Some Vikens that can be encountered are seen wearing armor, which gives them some durability to attacks.
These Seiðr Reavers like to use big maces when they fight. Mom always referred to them as "Vikens", for some reason.
They are Reavers who had died but were denied an afterlife thus becoming restless and vengeful souls who inhabit Helheim and invade the realms in numbers.
Concept arts[]
Hel Reavers concept arts[]
In Game[]
- The cannibalistic reavers in the Jötnar Marketplace are the only human enemies that can be encountered in God of War (2018).
- Originally, human Norse warriors were supposed to appear as common enemies, but were replaced by the Hel-Walkers as seen in footage from the Greenlight Demo 2015.
- It's possible that the Draugr waiting outside the marketplace are all previous victims of the Cannibals who are after them for revenge. Hence, why they were scared that Kratos and Atreus might return as undead if they killed them. It also makes their ultimate fate all the more ironic as they end up becoming Hel-Walkers themselves.
- Players are unable to inflict brutality upon the human reavers that were met early on in the 2018 game, as mutilation and finishers are disabled upon them, and should Kratos successfully land an Executioner's Cleave, they will be thrown back as if receiving a powerful blow instead of the usual animation against humanoids playing out.
- Two of the Reavers names were mentioned, in which one was named Seigmund and another was named Gunter.
- The Seiðr Reaver's appearance strongly resembles that of the Star Wars character, Darth Maul.