God of War Wiki

Ragnarök, or "Fate of the Gods", is a major event first prophesied by the Jötunn Gróa that foresees an ultimate battle that results in the death of many gods, including Odin and Thor, as well as the "rebirth" of the world through submersion into water.

Prophesied Events

  • Baldur's death is the first mark of the coming of Ragnarök.
  • The "Fimbulwinter", a three-year winter coming after Baldur's death. Its end is the second mark of Ragnarök.
  • Sköll and Hati will devour the Sun and the Moon, marking the start of Ragnarök.
  • Surtr, the first Fire Giant, will burn Asgard to the ground with his flaming sword.
  • The war between the Aesir and Vanir is continued.
  • Fenrir's involvement, in which a battle with Odin. They both kill each other.
  • A fierce battle between Jörmungandr and Thor, where the Thunder God strikes the World Serpent so hard that Yggdrasil splinters and sends the Serpent back in time. Thor walks nine steps before succumbing to the Serpent's poison.
  • Kratos and his son Atreus intervene.

God of War (2018)

The prelude to Ragnarök is set in motion by the death of Baldur at the hands of Kratos. Despite the fact that their involvement was prophesied, Kratos and Atreus' actions are said to have accelerated the event. Right after Baldur's death, the Fimbulwinter starts. Three years after this, Ragnarök will commence.
