God of War Wiki

Rán's Domain is a watery Afterlife in Norse Mythology. It is where the souls of unfortunate sailors who die at sea spend their afterlife.

God of War (2018)[]

The first mention of this Afterlife was in a lore scroll, The Aesir's Punishment found at the Lake of Nine.

God of War Ragnarök: Valhalla[]

In the middle of the Valhalla journey, Mimir mentions the Hall of Rán, when he tells Kratos what happened to him and Sigrún, and mentions that his love for Sigrún is as deep as the Rán's Domain.


  • It is implied in the novelization of God of War II that Poseidon, the Ruler of the Oceans and Greek counterpart to Aegir, could claim the souls of those who perished in his domain. Such a watery afterlife would probably be similar to the one awaiting drowned sailors in the halls of Ran and Aegir.

