God of War Wiki

Poseidon concept art

"Upon defeating the Titans, Poseidon took dominion over the seas and is master to its creatures."

Greek Mythology

In Greek mythology, Poseidon was the god of the seas and of earthquakes. He was the son of the Titans Cronos and Rhea, and in some versions of the Greek myth was one of the children swallowed by Cronos. However, in other versions, Poseidon was saved along with Zeus, by being concealed among a flock of lambs. To escape the fate of being swallowed, Rhea pretended to have given birth to a colt, which she gave to Cronos to devour. Poseidon was also known to have spawned many children, both human and creature.

In the God of War Series


Along with all of Zeus' other siblings, Poseidon was born to Cronos and Rhea, but was eaten by Cronos.


As a young man, Poseidon fought in the Great War, against the Titans alongside his brothers Zeus and Hades. He's mostly seen aiding Hades in their battles with Cronos and Atlas.

God of War

During the events of God of War, Poseidon assigns Kratos the duty of killing the Hydra which had been terrorizing the Aegean Sea. To succeed in his quest he gives Kratos a portion of magic called Poseidon's Rage.

God of War II

In God of War II he appears during the Great War as a young man. Near, the end of the game Poseidon also appears as a young man (possibly an error) during the meeting of of the gods when Kratos arrives with the Titans.

Powers and Abilities

As the God of the Seas, Poseidon posses the power to control the waves, creating huge waves, calm seas and the creation of storms. Also thanks to his trident he posses control over earthquakes. Also he can project bolts of energy and, as with all the Gods he can shape-shift. He is also Immortal.

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