God of War Wiki

After killing the Gods, plagues, and other events occur, depending on what the god personified, as well as which evil infected them when Kratos first opened Pandora's Box. Some of the plagues bear similarities to the Ten Plagues of Egypt (pestilence for example), and end up wiping out the bulk of humanity. The plague that followed after Poseidon's death might have been the Great Flood that was part of the story of Noah and the Ark.

List of Events

The following lists all the changes that occured in the God of War Series after a god's death;

World in chaos

The world in chaos.

  • Ouranos: The sky becomes more clear and the evil within the skies are shown.
  • Charon: Souls of the Dead are unable to cross the Styx and Acheron Rivers.
  • Persephone: A massive green light erupts from her body in a small explosion that destroyed the Pillar of the World cursing Atlas to forever hold the world on his shoulders.
  • Ares: A massive explosion, somewhat resembling a nuclear bomb's mushroom-cloud-shape ensued his death. Unending wars until Kratos became the God of War.
  • Erinys: Revenge becomes more stronger on every mortal, God, and Titan.
  • Deimos: People start to betray over what is good and start worshiping the evil.
  • Thanatos: A bright white explosion erupts from his body after his death. It is later revealed that Kratos became "Death, the Destroyer of Worlds.". Interestingly, this title is the verse of Bhagavad Gita, in the Ancient Hindu scriptures.
  • Kratos: Unending wars because of Zeus draining his godly powers and killing Kratos.
  • Theseus: Minotaurs attack more on the people with cyclops.
  • Perseus: The Pits of Hades unfolds for the death of Hades
  • Lahkesis: Death to people takes longer than usuall.
  • Atropos: Life events start to change over time. All destinies are altered from this death.
  • Clotho: Events that have happened are changed.
  • Athena: Like Persephone, a bright green light erupts from her body upon death, with unknown consequences(possibly slowly decreasing the mortals' intelligence due to her the Personification of Wisdom).
  • Poseidon: A cataclysmic tidal wave rose from the sea, engulfing all but the highest of mountaintops in water.
  • Hades: The dead escape the Underworld, and wander aimlessly.
  • Helios: Rain clouds blotted out the sun, plunging the world into darkness, and neverending rain, thunderstorms, and tornadoes.
  • Hermes: Bacteria-carrying insects swarmed out of his evaporating body, causing plague and disease outbreaks on Olympus, therefore commonly referred to as the Plague of Olympus.
  • Hercules: All strenght of the mortals descreased while the Plague of Olympus is killing everything. (This plague doesn't just mean strength physically but also health wise and mentally.)
  • Hera: Caused all plant life on Olympus to die.
  • Hephaestus: Blacksmiths are unable to blacksmith any weapon or armour.
  • Zeus: Released a powerful lightning explosion into the heavens, plunging the world into utter chaos.