God of War Wiki

Orb Chests are chests that can be found in the God of War Series, and grant certain orbs, with different abilities, when opened.


Green Orb Chests


The green orb chest, as shown in the God of War III E3 demo

This is a type of chest found in the God of War series. It is marked by a green glow on top. When Kratos opens it, he'll receive a bunch of Green Orbs for his health meter.

Blue Orb Chests

This is a type of chest found in the God of War series. It is marked by a blue glow on top. When Kratos opens it, he'll receives a bunch of Blue Orbs for his magic meter.

Red Orb Chests

This is a type of chest found in the God of War series. It is marked by a red glow on top. When Kratos opens it, he'll receive a certain amount of Red Orbs.


a collection of red orb chests, found in God of War III

Gold Orb Chests

This is a rare type of chest found only in God of War II. It is marked by a gold glow on top. When Kratos opens it, he receives Gold Orbs for his Rage of the Titans meter.

Combination Chests

This is a type of chest found in the God of War series. It continuously switches between two colours, usually green and blue. When Kratos opens it, he'll receive a certain type of orb depending on which colour is on the chest when he opens it.

God Red Orb Chests

This is a very rare chest that gives you huge amount of red orbs,usually 4.000.There is one in the Island of the Creation.

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