God of War Wiki
With oceanic steel sculpted by the pounding surf, the Olympus armor of Poseidon masks a sea of violence in Kraken encrusted edges dug up from the briny depths.

–In-game description

The Olympus Armor of Poseidon is a powerful DLC set of armor of Multiplayer that can be purchased for $2.99 in the PSN.

Powerful armor exclusive for warriors aligned to Poseidon, this oceanic armor grants its champion both resistance and power, being especially effective against warriors of Zeus.


  • Rank 1: N/A
  • Rank 2: 20,000 XP
  • Rank 3: 50,000 XP


  • Rank 1: +8% Physical Power; +6% Elemental Power; +15% Elemental Resist
  • Rank 2: +9% Physical Power; +7% Elemental Power; +16% Elemental Resist
  • Rank 3: +10% Physical Power; +8% Elemental Power; +17% Elemental Resist