God of War Wiki
God of War Wiki

þú mein liki nǫkurr guða. Ganga bak nú!

–An Ogre speaking in his native language

Ogres are a species of burly, powerful, brutal monsters seen in God of War (2018) and God of War Ragnarök.

There are many variations, all of which are very powerful and usually present a significant danger in battle. If they are stunned, Kratos can mount it and use it to attack other enemies in the area. If enough damage is done, Kratos can pull the beast to the ground and kill it by cleaving its skull in half at the jawline with his axe.

Norse Mythology[]

In mythology, ogres are often depicted as inhumanly large and tall and have a disproportionately large head, abundant hair, unusually colored skin, a voracious appetite, and a strong body. Ogres are closely linked with giants and with human cannibals in mythology. In both folklore and fiction, giants are often given ogrish traits (such as the giants in "Jack and the Beanstalk" and "Jack the Giant Killer", the Giant Despair in The Pilgrim's Progress, and the jötnar of Norse mythology); while ogres may be given giant-like traits.


Ogre's appearance are gray gorilla-looking giant with fierces eyes and sharped fangs, their arms are more flak-looking scales, the lower body are more hairy and the backs are spikes, some of them are color red-white marking similar tribal, and the Fierce Ogre are more reptilian with dark blue green marking and vibrant yellow.


Giant, powerful, angry, but thankfully not very smart, the ogre is one of the ugliest enemies we've fought, Their huge arms give their attacks good range, and they can hit hit the ground so hard they can create powerful attacks.

- Atreus

In the God of War series[]

God of War (2018)[]

Ogres lives in various outskirts of Midgard, and whenever encountered mere any mortals, they are generally extremely aggressive. Ogre's diet seems to be carnivorous giant as seen when ogre eating his human corpse. There is a much more dangerous counterpart of the ogre called the Fierce Ogre, in which they have red and white skin, also some skin are more reptilian giant ape.

During Kratos' journey in the mountains when Kratos opened the gate with his son, a feral giant burst out the gate at them and warned them to turned back instead Atreus stab Ogre's eyes cries painfully and began to fight two gods eventually putting the ogre end by the hands of Kratos.

God of War: Ragnarök[]

There are several Ogres appeared in the nine realms, the two Ogres in Asgard are part of Odin's Army which takes place during the Ragnarök eventually pinned down by the celestial wolves. In Vanaheim, when Kratos was about to execute the Ogre, The Corpse Eater steals Kratos' kill by taking away the Ogre and eating it,

Powers and Abilities[]

Ogres are one of the most dangerous enemies Kratos and Atreus encounter in their journey besides Trolls. They are capable of performing a number of devastating attacks. Ogres attack by swinging their massive arms or charging at their enemies, as well as smashing the ground to perform shock-wave attacks, which can be done in succession. If lesser enemies are nearby an Ogre may grab them and throw them at Kratos. Fierce Ogres can leap great distances to attack an enemy from above. If an Ogre is stunned it can be grabbed onto and ridden around. Kratos can then use the enraged Ogre to smash into other enemies for a brief amount of time, causing massive damage. The more powerful Ogres can grab Kratos and smash him into the ground.

Types of Ogre[]

Ogre's come in two different variants:

  • Ogre - The basic kind of Ogre, with greyish skin. This Ogre type fights with their huge arms, which give their attacks good range.
  • Fierce Ogre - Similar to regular ogres but more violent and erratic, with blood-red markings and reptilian skin around their body.


Concept Art[]

3D Model[]




  • Ogres are equivalent to Cyclops from the previous games, as they also are large beasts that can be used to ride around and attack nearby enemies. This burly giant's appearance closest resemblance to Cyclops Tyrant as there are attack Kratos by striking at him with their fists or feet, or by picking him up and throwing him.
  • On occasion, perhaps as an Easter Egg, Ogres can be heard making the same noise as the "Cave Troll" from Peter Jackson's film adaptation of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.[1][2] This seems fitting, as there are noticeable similarities between the two grey, hulking beasts.
  • According to the God Of War novelization, the first ogre that Kratos and Atreus encounter was referred to as a Forað and it said that Kratos "smelled like a god" and warned them to turn back. Which is the same manner in the game.
  • Like Dauði Kaupmaðr, the first ogre that appeared in God of War (2018) is the only one to ever speak in its native tongue.
  • Like Trolls, ogres have their own native language.
  • The Translation of the First Ogre seen in the game is “you mean like a god. Walk back now!”

