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This article contains lore based on real-life sources from Norse mythology as introduced from the God of War Norse era.


The creature -- it belongs to Odin?

No! It protects Yggdrasil's roots -- wherever they are. Bastard was counting on it!

Freya and Kratos when Nidhogg appears

Níðhögg was a primordial Lindwyrm who lived between the branches of the world tree, Yggdrasil, protecting its roots as part of the cycle in the Nine Realms.

Quick Answers

What role does Níðhögg play in Norse mythology? toggle section
Níðhögg, in Norse mythology, is a dragon that gnaws at a root of Yggdrasil, the world tree. It's often believed that the roots trap the dragon. Níðhögg also safeguards Yggdrasil's roots. In the God of War series, Níðhögg is a giant dragon residing among Yggdrasil's branches, where it protects the roots as part of the universal cycle. It also contributes to the start of Ragnarök and is linked with Freya's curse, which confines her to Midgard.
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How is Níðhögg depicted in the God of War series? toggle section
Níðhögg, a primordial Lindwyrm, is depicted in the God of War series as a giant dragon residing between Yggdrasil's branches. She safeguards the tree's roots, preventing overgrowth at its base. Contrary to some beliefs, Níðhögg is not loyal to Odin but to Yggdrasil. Her life ends when she is decapitated by Kratos and Freya. She is also known to have six offspring.
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What is the significance of Níðhögg's location in Yggdrasil? toggle section
Níðhögg, a colossal dragon from Norse mythology, dwells within Yggdrasil's branches and gnaws at its roots. This position is crucial as it safeguards Yggdrasil's roots and is part of the cosmic cycle. In God of War Ragnarök, Níðhögg acts as a sentinel for Freya's curse and contributes to Ragnarök's onset by offering Freya a Muspelheim seed. Níðhögg expresses no regret over Asgard's downfall, only concern for the World Tree's wellbeing.
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What does Níðhögg's name mean in Old Norse? toggle section
Níðhögg, frequently anglicized to Nidhogg, is an Old Norse term that signifies 'Malice Striker'. This name is appropriate for its role in Norse mythology as a dragon persistently gnawing at one of Yggdrasil, the world tree's roots.
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How does Níðhögg contribute to the cycle of the Nine Realms in Norse mythology? toggle section
In Norse mythology, Níðhögg plays a significant role in the cycle of the Nine Realms. This mythical dragon-like entity guards Freya's curse, restricting her from leaving Midgard. Níðhögg initiates Ragnarök, the end of the world, by providing Freya with a Muspelheim seed. Níðhögg also possesses the unique ability to create inter-dimensional rifts, facilitating travel between realms and providing seeds for further realm journeys.
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Norse Mythology[]

In Norse_mythology, Níðhögg (Malice Striker, in Old Norse traditionally also spelled Níðhǫggr [ˈniːðˌhɔɡːz̠], often anglicized Nidhogg) is a dragon who gnaws at a root of the world tree, Yggdrasil.

According to the Gylfaginning part of Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda, Níðhǫggr is a being which gnaws one of the three roots of Yggdrasill. It is sometimes believed that the roots are trapping the beast from the world. This root is placed over Niflheimr and Níðhǫggr gnaws it from beneath. The same source also says that the squirrel called Ratatoskr runs up and down the length of the Ash, bearing envious words between the eagle and Nídhǫggr [the snake]".

At Ragnarök, Níðhǫggr breaks free and becomes the new scion of evil in the world after its reconstruction.

God of War Universe[]

God of War Ragnarök[]

Níðhögg is the caretaker of the roots of the World Tree and while her origins are unknown, it was noted by Ratatoskr that she had been there long before him. Her purpose is to gnaw on the roots of Yggdrasil and prevent overgrowth at the World Tree's base whilst also defending any roots that were under attack. When Freya, along with Kratos tries to destroy the cursed roots created by Odin to bind her to Midgard, Níðhögg immediately appears to stop them, and engages Kratos in battle until Freya lifts the curse, allowing her to aid in defeating the Lindwyrm. After Níðhögg tries opening a hole between realms to continue her attack, Kratos uses the Blades of Chaos to hold her in place long enough for Freya to close the portal, cutting off Níðhögg's head. To her anger, Freya realized that Níðhögg's duty as the caretaker and defender of Yggdrasil's roots meant that Odin knew the creature would attack anyone who tried to free Freya of her curse, making the beast an unwitting pawn- as much a victim of the All-Father's schemes as Freya herself.

With Níðhögg dead, her six orphaned babies escape into various realms and cause trouble. Ratatoskr, saddened but understanding of the reason why she was killed, tasks Kratos with retrieving the young Lindwyrms so that the squirrel can take care of and raise them to take their mother's responsibilities himself, giving the babies a father-figure and giving Ratatoskr some company he desires. By the time Ragnarök ended, he amusedly stated that the baby Lindwyrms are starting to recognize him as their new surrogate father, rather than as a potential snack.


A seemingly nonsentient creature, Níðhögg cared only about protecting her territory, in this case, Yggdrasil's roots, and was shown to be willing to fight two gods to this end. Unfortunately, its lack of intelligence means that it is incapable of grasping the complexities of certain situations, leading to Odin exploiting it by binding Freya's curse to Yggdrasil's roots.

On the other hand, Níðhögg was still smart enough to use its abilities creatively, opening portals to send its attacks through. In addition, it also knew when it was better to retreat.

Ratatoskr noted that despite being caring towards her offsprings she was also strict with them and must keep them in check to prevent them causing havoc in realms.

Powers and Abilities[]

As a primordial and matriarch of Lindwyrms, Níðhögg was a mythical dragon-like being of incredible power and also one of the oldest and most powerful beings in the Nine Realms.

  • Inter-Dimensional Rift Creation: Níðhögg can temporarily tear the fabric between realms to form rifts which allows to travel anywhere she wants. This can be used offensively as well by making her attacks go through those rifts to hit her enemies while remaining out of her range. She can also suck a matter in surrendering to herself before spitting her out enchanted by Bifröst energy.
  • Enhanced Senses: Being the protector of Yggdrasil roots, Níðhögg can sense when they are in danger or disturbed no matter where, as she could sensing Freya's disturbing of roots binding her curse in Vanaheim despite being directly below the world tree.
  • Immense Strength: As a huge draconic being, Níðhögg possesses incredible strength, being able to go against Kratos’ might as well as Freya and snatch them away effortlessly. Her jaw strength is enough to cause Kratos visible effort in preventing her from closing them.
  • Immense Durability: Níðhögg has a massive degree of durability and resistance to injury, being able to endure the combined might of Kratos and Freya for a long time with only minor injuries. It was only when Freya closed the rift between realms she tried to flee to decapitate her which managed to kill her.
  • Bifröst Manipulation: Níðhögg is able to use the energies of the Bifröst to various effects like enchanting her claws, shooting it in the form of ball-like projectiles or even projecting it as a beam from her tail.
  • Immortality: Níðhögg was around since primordial times, Ratatoskr himself pointed out that she was there even before him. As a caretaker of Yggdrasil, she was possibly around since the beginning of the World tree.



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