God of War Wiki
Megaera's parasites concept art

Megaera's Parasites are insect-like creatures that spawn out of a diseased looking rash on Megaera's chest.

God of War: Ascension

These insect like beings act as weak common enemies to Kratos as he traverses Aegaeon. When on their own, they act a lot like Hades nymphs from God of War II and are dispatched in the same way. The parasites have the power to latch onto living creatures and force them to fight for Megaera; they burrow under the skin and transform the organism into a mindless slave with green, insect-like qualities. In a small group, they can even mutate into an larger singular organism from one of Aegaeon's limbs, known as the Infected Hand of Aegaeon. Armed with their large size, tusks and scythe-like arms and the capability to spew numeral of parasites, the Infected Hands of Aegeon are formidable guardians Kratos must face in order to escape his prison.


  • They resemble the scarabs from the Egyptian/Arabian mythos.
  • The mutation of the parasites likely cause Aegaeon's infected palms to sprout out dormant Hecatonchires heads while giving them arthropod qualities, perhaps also granting his limbs a more independent intelligence.
  • The parasites maybe linked to the insects alluded in Aesop's fable "The Dung Beetle and the Eagle", and in Aristophanes' play "Peace".
  • When grabbed and thrown, the parasites are meant to explode, however, this does not always happen; some of the creatures disappear when hitting the ground.
  • Just like the Elemental Talos, there are elemental parasites, colored in the same fashion of the Talos.

