God of War Wiki
Megeras minion

Colored 3D model

Megaera's Minions are organisms that have been infected by Megaera's Parasites and are forced to fight for the Fury.

God of War: Ascension

Megaera secretes parasites from a diseased-looking rash in her chest, the insect creatures latch into and burrow underneath the skin of any living creatures and control them. A man in a prison cell is attacked by one of the parasites, it jumps onto his neck and sticks two spikes into his spine, almost instantly, the man begins to mutate. He takes on insect-like qualities, including increased strength, armor and incredibly acrobatic skills. The mutant jumps through a wooden door and attacks Kratos.

Similar types of creatures appear throughout Kratos' journey through the Hecatonchires, they are easily defeated and can be grappled successfully.



  • Megaera's minions behave very similarly to the Satyrs that appear as regular enemies in Ascension, they are even dispatched in the same way. The mutated hounds behave like the standard ones as well.