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Lyngbakr Island is a very unusual island located in Svartalfheim in God of War Ragnarök, Seen at a distance as an assortment of odd rocky outcroppings appearing from the water, wreckage, and a large geyser. In order to uncover the secret of this island, you'll need to undertake the Side Quest - The Weight of Chains, and find a key on the island to unlock the large door at the nearby Watchtower. Once done, you can return to the island to find many more collectibles as you complete the quest.

History of island[]

During Mimir's youth, Mimir captured and chained a Lyngbakr in Svartalfheim so as to harvest its fat for lantern oil. He thought it would be an imaginative and eye-catching way to earn Odin's favor, and it worked. Once he returned to Svartalfheim with Kratos and Atreus in the Bay of Bounty centuries later, Mimir asked Kratos if they could find a key to free the creature he captured so many ages ago. He said that he hoped that it would have escaped by this time, but it had not. Kratos was particularly horrified by the creature's oppression, as he himself knew what it was like to be enslaved and oppressed in the past. He, Mimir and Atreus did their best to free the lyngbakr. Mimir expressed his regret for his earlier actions, having now known what it was like to be imprisoned in one place for a long time. He was also disgusted by the fact that the Aesir couldn't even be bothered to put the creature out of its misery after it served its purpose. Kratos offered to kill it, but Mimir refused to let it die, not when they could save it. Despite freeing the lyngbakr from its chains and ropes, the creature didn't leave its pen. After trying to encourage it, Kratos remarked that "it has become accustomed to its chains".


Lyngbakr island holds a few collectibles as seen below.

Lyngbakr Island Collectibles
Lore 1

Regarding the Removal of Resources

Kvasir's Poems 3

We Who Remain, Part the Second

Odin's Raven 1 Legendary Chest 1

Lyngbakr Island - Lore 1 - Regarding the Removal of Resources[]

This Lore is found on Lyngbakr Island (aka the whale island). From the spot where you first climbed up to the top of the wall from the docks, head left and jump across the two gaps, then go right around the corner. On the right-hand wall here is a gold chain: climb up it to the top, then look right to see the Lore Marker at the far end.

Kvasir’s Poems 3 - We Who Remain, Part the Second[]

This Kvasir Poem is found on the back of Lyngbakr Island, the whale island in Svartalfheim's Bay of Bounty from The Weight of Chains Favor. To get up there, climb up the tall wall directly opposite the Lore Marker described above. At the top, turn left, leap across the gap, then jump across the next gap to find the Artifact on your right, next to a dead dwarf (there will be a Coffin nearby).

Lyngbakr Island - Odin’s Raven 1[]

This Odin's Raven is easy to miss because it's rather out of the way. You can first access it once you destroy a Wretch Nest, revealing a lava rock spawner. Grab one, then make your way left through the gate, then right around the far corner and across the two gaps. Round the next corner and, at the top of the slope, you'll see some gold rocks on your right. Throw the lava rock at it to destroy it, allowing you to use the Blades of Chaos to zip across using the grapple point. On the other side is a Coffin directly ahead, and a tunnel on your right. Crawl through the tunnel and you'll end up on a balcony on the other side, with a Hacksilver Chest directly in front of you. To the left of the Hacksilver Chest is a part of the balcony with no railing, and the Raven visible in the distance. Throw the Leviathan Axe at it.

Lyngbakr Island - Legendary Chest 1[]

  • Contains:
    • Shield Attachment - Rond of Aggravation
    • 5 Whispering Slabs

The Legendary Chest on Lyngbakr Island is a bit of a misnomer, because it's not actually located on the island itself. You'll actually encounter it towards the end of The Weight of Chains Labor, where you'll use a rope to zipline across to a distant clifftop. The Legendary Chest will be visible directly in front of you. If you missed this Legendary Chest and need to return to it, look for the boat dock just East of Lyngbakr Island and moor there. Climb up the gold chain, then go through the doorway on your right. The Legendary Chest will be visible to your left. The Chest will contain a Rond of Aggravation. It boosts your Defense, Vitality and Luck, and has a high chance of giving a Rage Burst when parrying, making it a great first Rond for early in the game.
