God of War Wiki

Lejre is a mentioned location in God of War Ragnarök. It was the royal capital city of Denmark during the Viking Age. Lejre was also the Midgardian residence of Hrólf Kraki and Mimir.

Norse History[]

Lejre was considered one of the cultural and religious centers of early medieval Scandinavia, alongside Gamla Uppsala in Sweden. According to the Hrólf Kraki saga, Hrólf Kraki became the King of Lejre after his father was slain by the Swedish king Aðils. It's believed that Heorot, the royal castle of King Hrothgar (Hrólf's uncle) and the main setting of the Old English epic Beowulf, was in fact Lejre.

In the God of War series[]

Instead of being a popular capital city, Lejre is depicted as being an obscure and forgotten kingdom (as neither Kratos nor Freya had ever heard of it). It's described as a "peaceful kingdom, full of artists and poets". When Mimir immigrated from the British Isles to Scandinavia, he first settled down in Lejre, where he became the top advisor to King Aldis. Mimir invited a warrior named Hrólf Kraki to the royal court, who overthrew Aldis with his twelve Berserkers. The kingdom was soon plunged into ruin by King Hrólf's despotism.

