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Labors are random tasks which Kratos can complete in God of War Ragnarök: Valhalla.


On the Shores of Valhalla, there's a Lore Marker that allows Kratos to pick up Labors to complete, in exchange for rewards. Upon completion, Kratos can return to the Lore Marker, to collect rewards and take on new Labors. Labors are assigned at random, and can be repeated indefinitely. However, Kratos may only carry so many labors at once:

  • 1 Environment Labor
  • 4 Weapon Labors
  • 4 Combat Labors

This article aims to provide a comprehensive list of the possible labors which can be assigned to Kratos.

List of Labors[]

Environment Labors[]

Environmental Labors task Kratos with exploring the Realm Sanctuaries in Valhalla, looting and collecting resources or upgrades, and using the battlefield to your advantage in a fight.

Environmental Combat
Labor Requirements Reward
Stage Helpers Use 5 objects in the environment as weapons in battle. - 30 Mastery Seals
- 90 Spirit Seals
Look Out Below Hit 10 enemies with Ledge Drop attacks. - 30 Mastery Seals
- 90 Spirit Seals
Looting & Improvement
Labor Requirements Reward
Like a Bull in Valhalla Break 50 Pots. - 50 Mastery Seals
- 150 Spirit Seals
Glyph, Laugh, Love Acquire 25 Glyphs from Valhalla. - 50 Mastery Seals
- 150 Spirit Seals
Blessed in Valhalla Acquire 5 Weapon Attunements from Valhalla. - 50 Mastery Seals
- 150 Spirit Seals
Old Realms, New Chests Open 20 Chests in the Realm Sanctuaries. - 50 Mastery Seals
- 150 Spirit Seals
Rifting Through Greece Close 20 Rifts in Greece - 50 Mastery Seals
- 150 Spirit Seals
Labor Requirements Reward
Starting From the Bottom Visit all 6 of the Lower Realms:
  • Alfheim
  • Asgard
  • Jotunheim
  • Midgard
  • Svartalfheim
  • Vanaheim
- 75 Mastery Seals
- 225 Spirit Seals
Across The Realms... Again Visit all 9 Realms:
  • The 6 Lower Realms
  • Niflheim
  • Muspelheim
  • Helheim
- 100 Mastery Seals
- 300 Spirit Seals

Weapon Labors[]

Weapon Labors typically task Kratos with using specified weapon skills 10 times, rewarding him with 20 Mastery Seals and 60 Spirit Seals. However, there are some exceptions.

Labor Requirements Reward
Chaotic Rampage Use Chaotic Rampage 20 times (Hold PS4 R1 with the Blades). - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals
Impaling Thrust Use Impaling Thrust 25 times (Hold PS4 R1 with the Spear). - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals
Glacial Permafrost Activate Glacial Permafrost 5 times (PS4 L1 + PS4 Triangle, when the Permafrost Meter is full). - 30 Mastery Seals
- 90 Spirit Seals
Furious Immolation Activate Furious Immolation 5 times (PS4 L1 + PS4 Triangle, when the Immolation Meter is full). - 30 Mastery Seals
- 90 Spirit Seals
Violent Maelstrom Activate Violent Maelstrom 5 times (PS4 L1 + PS4 Triangle, when the Maelstrom Meter is full). - 30 Mastery Seals
- 90 Spirit Seals

Combat Labors[]

Combat Labors task Kratos with killing different varieties of enemies, and using all the tools and methods at his disposal to do kill his enemies and defend himself.

Activation Labors
Labor Requirements Reward
No Flips, Just Runics Activate Runic Attacks in battle 25 Times. - 30 Mastery Seals
- 90 Spirit Seals
Shooting From The Hilt Activate Relics in battle 15 Times. - 30 Mastery Seals
- 90 Spirit Seals
The Anger Within Activate Spartan Rage 20 times. - 30 Mastery Seals
- 90 Spirit Seals
Fury of Sparta Kill 10 enemies with Fury Spartan Rage. - 30 Mastery Seals
- 90 Spirit Seals
Prove Your Valour Heal 10 times with Valour Spartan Rage. - 30 Mastery Seals
- 90 Spirit Seals
Feel My Wrath Kill 10 enemies with Wrath Spartan Rage. - 30 Mastery Seals
- 90 Spirit Seals
Olympus Calls Kill 20 enemies with Legacy Spartan Rage. - 30 Mastery Seals
- 90 Spirit Seals
Armed Combat Labors
Labor Requirements Reward
All In Your Head Land 10 headshots with ranged attacks. - 30 Mastery Seals
- 90 Spirit Seals
Hug It Out Stun Grab 10 Enemies - 30 Mastery Seals
- 90 Spirit Seals
Axe to Grind Kill 50 enemies with the Leviathan Axe. - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals
Taste the Blades Kill 50 enemies with the Blades of Chaos. - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals
The Impaler Kill 50 enemies with the Draupnir Spear. - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals
Unarmed Combat Labors
Labor Requirements Reward
This Isn't Sparta Spartan Kick 20 enemies in combat. - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals
Throwback Shield Perform 20 Counterattacks with the Guardian Shield or Spartan Aspis. - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals
Can't Move Me Perform 20 Shield Slams with the Stone Wall Shield. - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals
The Perfect Guard Perform 20 Perfect Parries with the Dauntless Shield. - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals
Twinkle Twinkle Shatter Star Perform 20 Shield Punches with the Shatter Star Shield. - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals
Mow ‘Em Down Perform 20 Shield Rushes with the Onslaught Shield. - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals
Enemy Kill Labors
Labor Requirements Reward
Too Many Aesir Kill 20 Aesir Enemies. - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals
Beast Slayer Kill 20 Beast Enemies. - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals
Midlife Crisis Kill 20 Midgardian Enemies. - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals
Treading Through Hel Kill 20 Hel-Walker Enemies. - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals
The Monster Hunter Kill 20 Monster Enemies. - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals
Prime Targets Kill 15 Primordial Enemies. - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals
The Seiðr Incident Kill 15 Seiðr Enemies. - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals
Light of Alfheim Kill 10 Elven Enemies. - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals
Valhalla's Chosen Defeat 10 of Valhalla's Chosen. - 30 Mastery Seals
- 90 Spirit Seals
Greeking Out Kill 25 Greek Enemies. - 20 Mastery Seals
- 60 Spirit Seals

Eternal Labor - The Cycle[]

The Cycle is a Labor which gets added to Kratos' list, after completing the story mission "The Host." The only permanent labor in the list, The Cycle comes with a series of objectives that reward 1 Divine Triumph each, when completed, with a bonus granted if all objectives are completed.

Objectives (Spoilers)
The full list of objectives is as follows:
  • Clear the Proving Grounds
  • Clear the Aegean Boat in Greece
  • Clear the Desert of Lost Souls in Greece
  • Clear the Forum in Greece
  • Defeat Týr

The Cycle resets each time Týr is defeated.
