God of War Wiki

Elves are humanoid beings natives of Alfheim, one of the Nine Realms of the World Tree.

Norse Mythology

Elves are a type of human-shaped supernatural beings in Germanic mythology and folklore. In medieval Germanic-speaking cultures, Elves seem generally to have been thought of as beings with magical powers and supernatural beauty, ambivalent towards everyday people and capable of either helping or hindering them. However, the details of these beliefs have varied considerably over time and space, and have flourished in both pre-Christian and Christian cultures.

The word Elf is found throughout the Germanic languages and seems originally to have meant "white being". Reconstructing the early concept of an elf depends largely on texts, written by Christians, in Old and Middle English, medieval German, and Old Norse. These associate Elves variously with the Gods of Norse mythology, with causing illness, with magic, and with beauty and seduction.

The Elves are usually contrasted in two types: the Dökkálfar (Døkkálfar "Dark Elves", singular Døkkálfr) and the Ljósálfar ("Light Elves", singular Ljósálfr); the former dwell within the earth and are most swarthy, while the latter are "fairer than the sun to look at". This light and dark duality may have originated from Christian influence, importing the concept of good and evil, representing angels of light and darkness.

God of War (2018)

The Elves are divided in two subraces; the Light and Dark Elves. The Light Elves are luminous beings that wear white robes, and the Dark Elves are winged and typically wear martial armor.

While they are intelligent and civilized beings that possess their own architecture, spoken and written languages, the Light Elves and Dark Elves have been at war for eons, always fighting over control of the Light of Alfheim, a conflict that has lasted so long that neither side has secured a permanent victory. Because of such eternal war, the Elves are an isolated race, rarely interacting outside of their home realm.

However, the Elves where among the races that assisted in the construction of Týr's Temple, presumably being the ones who designed the solid light bridges and the ones who granted the Light of Alfheim that powers the Realm Travel Bridge.

Despite their dislike for outsiders, the Vanir Freyr was one of the few Gods welcomed by the Light Elves, both sharing a long history together, with the Light Elves even building him a temple in Alfheim.

Powers and Abilities

Both Elf races have the ability to fly, however each race's method differs; the Light Elves can levitate, while the Dark Elves use their membrane wings.

It's unknown how efficient the Light Elves are in warfare, if they do warfare at all, since the Dark Elves have been the only ones shown to use weaponry and be hostile against the traveling Gods who arrived at their realm.

All Dark Elves use spears that can detonate blasts on impact and are capable of shooting energy beams, thus being effective at both short and long distance. And unlike most creatures that Kratos and Atreus have encountered in their journey, they are intelligent fighters that can coordinate their attacks and effectively use their numbers at their advantage.

Some Dark Elves who possess bright wings are called "Summoners", using staffs apparently fueled by magic capable of calling in reinforcements.

Known Types of Elves

  • Dark Elf
  • The Light Elves

