God of War Wiki

A forge hammer, little thing. Symbol of the old resistance. Guild solidarity, all that.

Durlin when asking Kratos to find it

Durlin's Hammer is introduced in God of War Ragnarök, specifically mentioned by Durlin after you speak with him again sometime after Odin uses him as a living shield from Kratos.


Still in one piece, after all this time. Unlike Durlin's resistance I suppose.

Mimir when seeing the hammer

Durlin's hammer was a forge hammer specifically made during his rebellion he held with Laufey and the dwarves of Niðavellir. It was a symbol of power and resistance from the Aesir's control. According to Durlin, the Aesir took his hammer after their failed coup and buried it under the dwarf statue of Alvíss Stonefoot in the bay. Durlin asks Kratos to retrieve the hammer as it may do the dwarves "some good" seeing it again, Durlin was hoping to raise their spirits once more and show them the they haven't given up completely. When you retrieve the hammer from the chest near the dwarven statue it is referred to as "Hammer of the revolution", the description for the hammer reads "A ceremonial hammer with no practical use. A symbol of the Dwarven resistance to Asgard's rule." Completion of this favor is called "Spirit of rebellion" and awards you a trophy called "Rebel Leader"

Spirit of Rebellion Quest[]

Spirit of Rebellion is one of the many Favors you will be able to complete in God of War Ragnarok. During this side quest, Durlin will ask you to retrieve a hammer that means a lot to the dwarfs of Svartalfheim. At the end of the main story quest, "Forging Destiny," you will have the opportunity to chat with Durlin. If you do, he'll ask you to retrieve a hammer that symbolizes the old resistance. Once the chat is over, this side quest will start. You will receive some rewards for completing this quest as seen below.

  • 3000 Kratos XP
  • 750 Companion XP
  • 30 Whispering Slabs
  • Mountain Splitter

Finding the Chest[]

You first need to head down and get on your boat, then track the quest on your map and paddle to the quest marker. Once you're in the area the quest marker directed you towards, leave your boat on the shore shown below. There will be a couple of enemies in the area and a Nornir chest, Defeat all the enemies and use the chain to the Nornir Chest's left to go up. There use your spear on the weak point to hop on the spear and keep going up. Keep going up and use your blades to get to the other side of the dock. There turn to your left, jump the gap and then use your chisel on the blue seal. Doing so will cause a rune to appear at the end of the dock. Interact with the rune to move the statue and reveal a chest. Inside the chest is the hammer Durlin wants.

Going Back to Durlin[]

Now that you have the hammer, boat to Niðavellir or use a Magic Getaway to get there. Either way, once you're there, go to the local tavern and speak to Durlin to end this quest.


  • Durlin's hammer is in no shape nor form for crafting or fighting. Only as a decoration, or as he calls it a symbol.