God of War Wiki

Template:Infobox godsBoreas is a horse-like Immortal being that is the God of North Wind. It is one of four horses that drives the Helios' Chariot, called Fire Steeds.

Greek Mythology

Boreas is the Greek god of the North Wind. The four wind gods are the sons of Eos the Goddess of the Dawn.

In the God of War series

In God of War series, Boreas is the North Wind God and one of the Fire Steeds of Helios. However, he is apparently much more powerful and prominent in comparison to other steeds, Notus, Eurus, and Zephyrus. Boreas has at least one known stone representation of him as a human, has a Temple created for him, and appears to represent not only the north wind, but also ice, cold, snow, and winter.

God of War: Chains of Olympus

Boreas was to be awakened by Kratos after Helios' disappeared and the world was covered in darkness, and the Black Fog of Morpheus, which he used to take over the world. After Kratos awakened him, the Horse God took the Chariot of Helios right to the Sun God himself: in the Underworld.

God of War: Ghost of Sparta

Boreas, while not appearing in the game, plays a background role. There is Temple of Boreas hidden deep within ice caves in the mountains, where Kratos could obtain the Horn of Boreas. There are also beasts associated with Boreas, located in the snow mountains: Dredge of Boreas, a minotaur-like animal. It nests its children on its back, which are known as Boreas Spawns.

God of War II

Kratos must acquire the Hail of Boreas while in the Palace of the Fates. He then uses it to unlock a doorway that's carved in the image of Boreas to reach the spire where the Sisters of Fate reside.

God of War III

While its is not currently stated, the Horse God of Wind is supposed to be driving the Chariot of Helios through the sky during the battle against Kratos and Perses. It is known that the Chariot of Helios is crushed and Helios himself killed, so its assumed that the Fire Steeds were killed too. However, you do receive the Boreas' Icestorm power while inside the Labyrinth which you use it to activate it and its mechanics.


  • In actual mythology Boreas and the other Wind Gods aren't horses or pull Helios' chariot, they are normal gods. The actual names of the horses were Pyrois, Aeos, Aethon, and Phlegon.

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