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Beigaðr the Feared is one of the twelve Berserkers that can be fought as an optional boss in God of War Ragnarök. Located in Svartalfheim, Beigaðr is one of the slightly stronger Berserkers the player can choose to face after getting the Hilt of Skofnung.

Norse Tradition[]

In Hrólfr Kraki's saga, Beigaðr was one of the twelve berserkers who served King Hrólf Kraki.


Early life[]

Beigaðr was a warrior in the Midgardian kingdom of Lejre who served under Hrólf Kraki, along with eleven fellow berserkers. He joined in Hrólf's usurping of the crown, where he earned the epithet "the Feared". Upon his death, Beigaðr's spirit went onto inhabit the Hilt of Skofnung.

God of War Ragnarok[]

Kratos defeated Beigaðr's spirit and channeled his powers through Skofnung.


"Mimir would not tell me the transgressions of this Berserker. He informed me he is "relieved the heinous bastard is gone for good." He continued to speak ill of this Beigaðr for a few moments more, but I do not wish to write the rest of his words. I too am glad to see his demise."


  • "For Lejre!"
  • ”King Hrólf will rise again!”
  • ”Death to the enemies of Lejre!”
  • "I will always find you."
  • "Give me more!"
  • "Death is here!"
  • ”Dirt. Devour them!”
  • ”Your death proves me righteous.”
  • ”Mmm… the shape of your head, I like it.”
  • ”Flesh peeled. Blood drained. I see it!”
  • ”I see trophies all over you!”

