God of War Wiki
Warriors of deimos - copia
File:Warriors of deimos2.jpg

"The Blades of Exile will serve you well Kratos. Use them to call forth the spirit of your exiled Spartan brothers" - Athena

The Army of Sparta is a magic used when in possession of the Blades of Exile. It allows Kratos to summon Spartan soldiers, forming a protective phalanx around him. Helios, God of the Sun, used this formation as well, in a vain effort to have his soldiers protect him from Kratos. If the magic is leveled up, soldiers will grow in numbers, deal more damage and throw their spears. At the highest level, a rain of arrows can be summoned down after the spear thrust move.


  • The formation in which the shields and spears form around Kratos, is reminiscent of a similar battle formation, Phalanx, commonly used by Spartan hoplites and other ancient Greek spearmen.
  • The symbols on the shields are known as lambda ( Λ ) and represents Lacedaemonia (Greek: Λακεδαιμονία), present day Laconia, the name of the greater area of which Sparta was the governing capital. The majority of the Spartan and Laconian hoplites bore these symbols on their shield and can be seen in popular culture on the shields of the Spartans of the film 300. For some reason this letter is upside down on the shields in the game.