Tipped with the horns of Actaeon the stag, this armor is well matched for hunting down enemies in the arena.
–In game description
The Armor of Artemis is an animal-themed cataphract that can be obtained in God of War: Ascension'smultiplayer mode. It can be unlocked by completing these tasks;
Helmet - Wrath of the Gods II (25 PVP kills using Godly weapons)
Armor of Artemis
Chest - Blood Lust III (100 kills in brutal fashion)
Legs - Blood Lust II (25 kills in brutal fashion)
The chest plate is intricately decorated with small, wolf-like carvings. It leads downwards to a large golden belt that connects to a leather strip that is equally as complex. A gold and white loincloth also stem from the belt. The boots are black and gold, not unlike the entirety of the armor, and appear to offer a lot of protection. Both shoulder pads are huge and thus cover the majority of the upper arm. Two arm guards protect the forearm. The helm is in the design of a stag, this is related to Artemis as she is the goddess of hunting and is sometimes represented by animals of the forest. This is also one of the best armors in terms of Physical Power.