God of War Wiki

Template:Infobox gods Alecto is one of The Furies who pursue Kratos for breaking his bond with Ares. She is one of the main antagonists in God of War: Ascension.

Greek Mythology

Alecto is one of the three Furies, or Erinyes, in Greek mythology. Alecto was charged with punishing those who committed moral crimes as anger, especially when used against others, she was the goddess of Anger. Like her sisters, she was born from the blood of Ouranos when Cronos castrated him.

The God of War Series

Alecto and the rest of the Furies pursue Kratos for breaking his bond with Ares. She has yet to appear.

In the beginning of the game, a one-armed Megaera wakes a bound and wounded Kratos from his sleep. While slashing him stated that their "special time" together was interrupted by her sister Alecto and that she was never one with manners.

While Kratos was chasing Megaera, she also stated that her sisters were kinder to Kratos than she is. Also while Kratos came across a house full of women who wanted him sleep with them was revealed to be an illusion made by Alecto, who was the one convinced Kratos to chose her, after he noticed that she is wearing the ring of his wife.

Her death was revealed in a recent trailer. After a long battle with Kratos, Alecto is severely beaten and impaled on a spear-like monument. http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_507066&feature=iv&src_vid=C2YFpXJUvv8&v=WVQn-X4iB4s

Powers & Abilities

Alecto's powers have not been seen yet, though she supposably has the same powers as her sisters.

  • Immortality - Alecto is older than the Earth itself.



  • Megaera stated that Alecto was never one with manners for rudely interrupting their "special time" together.
    • Megaera also says that both of her sisters were too kind to Kratos. This may mean that Alecto shows more mercy and so when she interrupted their "special time" she was actually helping the Spartan.
    • Another hypotesis for Megaera's statement would be that Alecto would have taken Kratos to the prison before Megaera could actually torture Kratos, or even kill him, for cutting her arm. The reason she would have done this would be because she would have felt death was not ruthless enough for Kratos' sin, like what happened to Aegaeon. Still angered with Kratos, Megaera would torture him while he was bound and enchained in Aegaeon.