God of War Wiki

The parasites used by Megaera enter one of the Hecatonchire's arms, causing its fingers to begin mutating and growing, moments later a monster with giant fangs bursts out of the palm and the remaining fingers turn into claws. Kratos kills this monster by slashing its throat with his own claw.

During a second confrontation with another arm, it splits in two to reveal a monster similar to the first. He throws Kratos through several prison cells before continuing the battle. During the battle, Kratos weakens the monster by allowing one of the prison's parts to collapse on him twice.

Aegaeon's Hand 28

Kratos eventually takes his life by impaling him on a huge metal spike. After continuing to move forward, Megaera turns the Hecatonchire's head into a beast that attacks Kratos. After a brief fight, Kratos finds himself caught between the beast and another of its mutated arms. Shortly after weakening the arm, the Spartan takes advantage of this taming to fight the Hecatonchire's head until finally finishing both of them and Megaera.
